Friday, 4 May 2012

Cherry rocks!

A taster of the batch of chairs I'm currently working on for the Fisherton Mill Gallery in Salisbury's Out of the Wood exhibition coming up in June.

This little fellow is my first attempt at a rocking chair. It's made entirely out of wild cherry, also a first for me. Cherry is both a joy and a frustration to use: a joy because it's a pleasure to work with and smells nice, and looks gorgeous after a coat or two of oil, when that lovely mellow colour leaps out at you; a frustration because it can also be a nightmare to work with, often growing with a twist and with a grain that's liable to tear out. Maybe it was just this tree!

Still, the overall effects are really pleasing, I think, and it works well with the grey hemp seat.

If anyone's interested in the exhibition, I'll be demo-ing there on Saturday 9 June. Hope to see you there...